ATP SPORTS THERAPIES -Cryotherapy2019-08-05T06:22:10+00:00


ATP has partnered up with GoCryo to provide advanced cryotherapy treatments, including a whole-body cryotherapy chamber and localised cryotherapy treatments with applications of both CO₂ and nitrogen.



Rehabilitation is reaching a new low – a freezing low temperature that is!!

Go Cryo is the first and only Cryotherapy centre in Ireland to have every type of Cryotherapy!! Come try at our launch event in August!!
Whether you wanting to enhance your performance, boost your immune system or speed up your recovery from an injury we have the equipment!

The Benefits of Cryotherapy:

  • Quicker Recovery
  • Pain Relief for Chronic Pain
  • Increased Mobility
  • Muscular Rehabilitation
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Drug Free and Non-Invasive Treatments
  • Increases Physical Mobility

System 1: Cryoscreen uses freezing Carbon Dioxide to target injuries and speed up recovery!
System 2: Cryo T Med uses freezing cold Nitrogen for a range of wellness treatments!!
System 3: Our whole body system uses freezing Nitrogen to immerse the whole body in freezing cold air to boost your immune system!!

Physiological responses include

Vasoconstriction; as the body cools the blood vessels of the body will narrow, decreasing the blood flow to an area and reduces the amount of swelling. It is important to keep swelling under control as excessive swelling can inhibit movement and increase functional loss with an injury.

Decreased haemorrhaging; following the above about vasoconstriction, this can also reduce haemorrhaging as the blood flow will simply be more restricted.

Decreased local metabolism; as the area cools and the blood flow is restricted, the processes of the cells, including metabolism will slow. By reducing the cells metabolic rate, the cold will effectively also reduce the cells oxygen requirements, as cell respiration will also be at a reduced rate.

Hyperaemia; following the cold treatment, when the ice applicant has been removed, as the body thermoregulates to its original state, there will be an effect known as ‘hyperaemia’. This is when there is an increase in blood flow to different tissues in the body. As the blood vessels dilate back to their normal state, the resulting increase of blood flow will deliver increase oxygen and nutrients to the affected area. This way healing can be promoted in an injury without the risk of excessive swelling.

Neurological responses include

Analgesia (pain relief); The cold can affect the body in a few ways to relieve pain, however the specific mechanism behind why is unclear. Possible theories suggest that the cold releases endorphins to numb the pain. Others suggest that the cold will decrease the nerve transmission in the pain fibres. Another proposes that the cold sensations can override the sensation of pain (pain gate theory). At any rate, while pain relief is generally a positive thing, care must be taken with any pain reduction as it may mask the severity of an injury.

Reduced muscle spasm; a muscle spasm is often a natural response to pain. The muscles surrounding an injury contract to protect it (muscles guarding). The fact that ice can be applied to relieve pain will in turn decrease the occurrence of these
spasms, which can then increase comfort from painful spasms.

Stiffening effect on connective tissue; use of ice and cold may contribute to the shortening of collagen fibres in connective tissues. This may lead to a reduction in ROM, or even a general tightness in the muscles being treated, so care must be taken not to force ROM or move too quickly.

ATP-Sports Therapies



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